It from Qubit, the Simons Collaboration on Quantum Fields, Gravity, and Information, anticipates appointing up to 5 postdoctoral fellows across the following locations:

Dorit Aharonov (Jerusalem)
Patrick Hayden and Leonard Susskind (Stanford)
Juan Maldacena (IAS)
Alex Maloney (McGill)
Rob Myers (Perimeter)

The quantum group at the University of Malta is seeking one or more PhD students and a post-doctoral researcher to work on the Horizon 2020 project HOT: Hybrid Optomechanical Technologies. These positions are accompanied by a generous salary, a travel and equipment budget, and are fully funded for three years. We also promise copious sunshine and great beaches.

Submission deadline: 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Registration deadline: 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Young Quantum-2017 (YouQu-2017)”, a collaborative meeting for young researchers on quantum information processing and its applications, will be organized at Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India during 27th February - 1st March, 2017. It will be for post-doctoral fellows and doctoral students. In this program, we wish to include discussions on recent developments in areas related to quantum information, quantum computation, and their interface with other sciences.

The quantum information science group led by Animesh Datta at the University of Warwick is seeking a PhD student to work on Mechanisms of quantum-enhanced excitonic energy transport. The student will be supported by scholarships awarded by the University of Warwick.

The goals of this theoretical project are first, to understand the mechanisms of excitonic energy transport at the quantum level in noisy systems, and second, to exploit the above understanding on the role of quantumness in noisy systems to advance quantum information science.

Next Q+ Hangout is on November 8th!

As usual, if you are watching with a group and want to reserve a seat in the hangout then leave a comment here:

We also encourage individuals interested in active participation---which typically involves asking questions after the talk---to join the hangout. Otherwise you can watch on the livestream. Details follow.

Speaker: Miguel Navascues

Open Call PhD Fellowships

The Vienna Doctoral Program on Complex Quantum Systems

Become part of the Vienna Quantum research community! Participate in our training opportunities and research which includes:

The CaNa group at Aix-Marseille University is seeking excellent and outstanding candidates in quantum information theory, quantum complex network, quantum simulation. A PhD in Theoretical Physics, Mathematics or Computer Science is required.
The deadline for the PhD position is: 10/15/2016 and the deadline for the PostDoc position is 12/01/2016. If you are interested in one of these opportunities, please send an email to:

Self-Testing In QUAntum Cryptography

Positions available:
1 postdoc and 2 PhD student positions are available in this project.

QIP Limit
Quantum Information Processing with severely Limited memory and communication

Positions available:
1 PhD student position is currently available in this project.

Project scope:
Study of quantum information processing in the case when communication and memory are limited to just a few qubits.

We are interested in doing this mainly in the context of the three following fields: Foundations, Quantum Information, and Communication Complexity.


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