PhD funding is available (yearly stipend 16,000 euro + fees) to do a PhD in Galway in
Quantum Game Theory or Quantum Random Walks.
Please email
for initial discussions as soon as possible.

One of the remaining puzzles in modern physics is the transition from quantum to classical physics. While many models, like decoherence, have been proposed, experimental tests remain very challenging. One of the most promising avenues for observing quantum effects at a macroscopic scale has been through optomechanics in which the radiation pressure of light is used to probe and control the dynamics of mechanical oscillators.

The theory group on 'Fundamental Processes in Quantum Physics' at the Center for Optical
Quantum Technologies of the University of Hamburg announces a PhD position in theoretical

General description: The main goal of the project is to model and investigate theoretically the potential of spin-photon interfaces for quantum information processing. Such devices consist of single spins coupled to light propagating in waveguides, or photonic circuits : in these so-called "one dimensional atoms", light matter interaction is so strong that the spin state leaves a macroscopic imprint on single photons having interacted with it.

The Quantum Computing Lab in the Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems at the University of Technology, Sydney invites applications for PhD positions. We currently have a range of scholarships available for Semester 1 2015 (commencing in the first few months of 2015).


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