
The Ultracold Quantum Gases group, led by Leticia Tarruell, is inviting applications for one postdoctoral position in experimental AMO physics.

Applications are invited for two postdoctoral positions in experimental quantum optics and quantum information at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (LKB), in Paris (France), in the research group led by Prof. Julien Laurat.

Place of work: Department of Optics, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Work load: 1,0 (full-time, 40 h per week)
Start of job: March 1, 2019 and later
Duration of the contract: 24 months

The position is in the group of Dimitris G. Angelakis in the Centre for Quantum Technologies Singapore ( We are looking for highly motivated candidates with a strong research background and a PhD in quantum physics or quantum information and/or condensed matter or related discipline with experience in research in quantum algorithms and/or quantum machine learning.

A fixed term postdoctoral appointment is available for 24 months in the Department of Physics, to work in the group of Professor Tim Spiller on an Innovate UK- funded project “3QN: Towards A New UK Industry for Novel Quantum Receivers in Nascent Satellite QKD Global Markets”.


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