Submitted by
Burgarth on Mon, 20/09/2010 - 11:09.
A new photonic chip that works on light rather than electricity has been built by an international research team, paving the way for the production of ultra-fast quantum computers with capabilities far beyond today’s devices. Future quantum computers will, for example, be able to pull important information out of the biggest databases almost instantaneously. As the amount of electronic data stored worldwide grows exponentially, the technology will make it easier for people to search with precision for what they want.
Submitted by
JMiszczak on Tue, 14/09/2010 - 11:35.
Sami Mitra at APS Physics writes: ''Whether quantum dots will prove to be reliable building blocks for a quantum computer will depend on how well we measure and control their charge and spin.
Submitted by
Editor on Fri, 10/09/2010 - 08:02.
James Dacey at PhysicsWorld writes: ''Just a small number of bad referees can significantly undermine the ability of the peer-review system to select the best scientific papers. That is according to a pair of complex systems researchers in Austria who have modelled an academic publishing system and showed that human foibles can have a dramatic effect on the quality of published science. <!--break-->Stefan Thurner and Rudolf Hanel at the Medical University of Vienna set out to make an assessment of how the peer-review system might respond to incompetent refereeing.
Submitted by
Burgarth on Thu, 02/09/2010 - 13:06.
Researchers describe how to carry out the first experimental test of string theory in a paper published tomorrow in Physical Review Letters.
String theory was originally developed to describe the fundamental particles and forces that make up our universe. The new research, led by a team from Imperial College London, describes the unexpected discovery that string theory also seems to predict the behaviour of entangled quantum particles. As this prediction can be tested in the laboratory, researchers can now test string theory.
Submitted by
Editor on Wed, 01/09/2010 - 21:24.
Zeeya Merali at Nature News writes: ''Quantum hackers have performed the first 'invisible' attack on two commercial quantum cryptographic systems. By using lasers on the systems — which use quantum states of light to encrypt information for transmission — they have fully cracked their encryption keys, yet left no trace of the hack.
Submitted by
Editor on Fri, 27/08/2010 - 10:02.
James Dacey at PhysicsWorld writes: ''Nanotechnology offers the promise of a new wave of sensors and optical components, but the tiny sizes involved can make it difficult for users to exchange information with these devices. Now, researchers in Spain have demonstrated a novel solution to this problem that involves fixing an "antenna" to nanoscale objects that can send and receive optical data with high precision.
Submitted by
Editor on Wed, 25/08/2010 - 19:20.
R. Colin Johnson at EE Times writes: ''Piezoelectric effects translate mechanical motion into electricity and vice versa, energizing a variety of electronic transducer applications as well as promising to cut power consumption in MEMS devices. Now McGill University researchers are harnessing the piezoelectric effect in quantum dots, aiming for nanoscale sensors and power supplies that translate vibration into a usable signal.
Submitted by
JMiszczak on Fri, 20/08/2010 - 08:05.
Belle Dumé at PhysicsWorld writes: ''Physicists in Germany have used fluorescence imaging to identify individual particles in an optical lattice for the first time. The breakthrough could allow researchers to create more advanced simulations of quantum phenomena and it might help in the quest for practical quantum computing.
Submitted by
JMiszczak on Sat, 10/07/2010 - 10:24.
Olivia Meyer-Streng writes at IDW Online: ''The proton – one of the universal building-blocks of all matter – is even smaller than had previously been assumed (Nature, 8 July 2010).
Submitted by
JMiszczak on Sat, 03/07/2010 - 10:47.
Using a unique hybrid nanostructure, University of Maryland researchers have shown a new type of light-matter interaction and also demonstrated the first full quantum control of qubit spin within very tiny colloidal nanostructures (a few nanometers), thus taking a key step forward in efforts to create a quantum computer.