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We are currently offering a postdoctoral position to a highly motivated and well-qualified researcher who intends to enhance his or her career in the fields of quantum information theory and the theory of quantum simulations, funded by the new H2020 grant AQuS on quantum simulators. The successful candidate will work in the research group led by Jens Eisert at the Free University of Berlin. We are a young, internationally visible, leading group in these fields of research, driven by a stimulating climate of open discussion and creative thought.

General description: The main goal of the project is to model and investigate theoretically the potential of spin-photon interfaces for quantum information processing. Such devices consist of single spins coupled to light propagating in waveguides, or photonic circuits : in these so-called "one dimensional atoms", light matter interaction is so strong that the spin state leaves a macroscopic imprint on single photons having interacted with it.

The Quantum Computing Lab in the Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems at the University of Technology, Sydney invites applications for PhD positions. We currently have a range of scholarships available for Semester 1 2015 (commencing in the first few months of 2015).

Submission deadline: 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Registration deadline: 

Friday, November 14, 2014

The workshop will cover a broad range of topics in quantum control, from fundamental questions to technological applications. It will consist of a first part focused on information-theoretic aspects of quantum control and complexity, and a second part focused on experimental challenges and nuclear magnetic resonance applications.

The workshop will gather experts and early stage researchers, fostering discussions and exchanges. There will be tutorial lectures, invited and contributed talks, a poster session, and an industry session.

Shikano group invites applications to fill a few visiting students or posdocs for the current research activities. Shikano group hosted the visiting students and posdocs as seen in http://qm.ims.ac.jp/members_en For this visiting post, Shikano group widely opens the opportunities to the current research project.


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