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I am looking for postdoc candidates who are interested in joining my
theoretical quantum optics group at the University of Calgary.
Our research interests are briefly described below. My group
is part of the Institute for Quantum Science and Technology at the
University of Calgary, which encompasses several excellent
experimental and theoretical groups (see http://www.iqst.ca/),
guaranteeing a rich and stimulating research environment.

We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow with interest in one or more areas pursued by the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology IQST, Ulm University (http://iqst.org/).

Postdoctoral position (under funding from the Irish Research Council) in quantum random walks and/or quantum game theory
and/or other areas of mutual interest in quantum information science.
Please email michael.mcgettrick@nuigalway.ie in the first instance and see
for application procedures.

Submission deadline: 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Registration deadline: 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

This workshop will bring together leading and upcoming international and Australian researchers and research students with an interest in the foundations of quantum theory. We will have a special focus on generalised probabilistic theories and reconstructions from foundational principles, but we also welcome contributions within other topics such as ontological models, nonlocality, contextuality, and fundamental tests. The objective of the meeting is to review current progress in the field and spark new directions for research.

PhD projects to work within the Quantum Technology group at Queen's University Belfast in the broad area of
Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Technology are available for the 2014-2017 entry. A number of
fully funded (fees only) bursaries are available to UK-resident (EU-resident) students. Further funding might be available
later on.

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