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The silicon qubit group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison seeks applicants for two or more postdoctoral positions, beginning in 2009. The goal of our group is to develop quantum dot spin qubits in silicon heterostructures. The open positions would provide theoretical support for this effort. Candidates should demonstrate expertise in one or more of the following areas: condensed matter theory, quantum information theory and applications (e.g., qubit simulations), and semiconductor device theory and modeling.

Two years ago researchers at Duke University in the US unveiled the first “invisibility cloak” — a device that can make objects vanish from sight, at least when viewed using a narrow band of microwave frequencies. Now, Ulf Leonhardt of St Andrew’s University in the UK and Tomás Tyc of Masaryk University in the Czech Republic have come up with a new way of using mathematics to describe a invisibility cloak (Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1166332).

CIFAR’s Quantum Information Processing Program is seeking outstanding researchers to fill two Junior Fellow positions (i.e., postdoctoral fellowships). The Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) is a catalyst for discovery, incubating ideas that revolutionize the international research community. The Quantum Information Processing (QIP) Program studies a wide range of topics relating to quantum information, including experimental and theoretical physics, theoretical computer science, and mathematical aspects of quantum information.

The entanglement of quantum bits (or qubits) is what should allow quantum computers to perform certain calculations much faster than the computers we use today. But now, physicists in Germany and Canada are saying that most qubits could be “too entangled” to be of any use in quantum computers.

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the solid state quantum computing theory group at University at Buffalo, SUNY. The nominal starting time is September 2009, although earlier starting time is possible. Current research interests within the group include decoherence of multi-qubit systems, entanglement through a spin bus, coherent control of a spin bus, and entanglement and quantum correlations near quantum phase transitions.


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