cold atoms

A PostDoc position fully funded by the South African Research Chair in Quantum Information Processing and Communications is available at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban. The Centre for Quantum Technology has groups working on theoretical and experiment topics, that include

- Open quantum systems
- Dissipative quantum computing
- Quantum biology
- Quantum cryptography
- Quantum nanophotonics
- Cold atoms - BEC

The project is aimed at the creation and manipulation of atomic density patterns by contact-free self-assembly due to optomechanical forces. We are looking at large patches (samples size of some millimetres) of laser cooled matter (around 100 µK), which will be structured on scales of wavelengths to hundreds of micrometres. The spatial structure is not imposed externally but evolves spontaneously from an instability of the homogeneous atomic cloud in interaction with a homogeneous light field.

The purpose of the meeting is to gather experts and young researchers working in the field of cold atoms at the interface with solid state physics in order to explore the state of the art and discuss the most fruitful perspectives.

There is no registration fee to attend the meeting but interested participants are required to notify the organiser by sending an e-mail to:

Submission deadline: 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Registration deadline: 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The ONNA 2013 workshop will be held at OIST Graduate University ( from 1-7th June 2013. The aim of the workshop is to bring together experts and early stage researchers, from diverse communities, who use optical micro and nanofibers or waveguides for their research needs, whether it be for quantum, biological or other applications. The number of participants is limited and will be based on application. Full financial support (air ticket, accommodation at Seaside House, OIST and meals) available.

Cooperative Behaviour at the Quantum Light-Matter Interface

We are seeking a Post-Doctoral researcher to work at the interface of cold atoms and quantum optics. This is a prestigious two-year fellowship to study collective strong coupling of light and matter in an optical ring resonator.

The experiment aims to:
• Demonstrate collective strong coupling of potassium atoms in a high-finesse cavity
• Examine the cooperative mechanics of cold atoms in dynamical optical lattices


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