
Title Application deadlinesort descending Job type
Physiker/in, Mathematiker/in, Chemiker/in (w/m/d) Promotion: Quanten­algorithmen für Energie­speicher entwickeln PhD
Open PhD Positions, Mathey Group, Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, University of Hamburg, Germany PhD
Postdoc/PhD/student positions at University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics PhD, PostDoc, Other
PhD studentship in quantum random number generation PhD
Experimental Quantum Engineer Other
[PhD] Remote entanglement stabilization for superconducting qubits PhD
Postdoctoral and PhD positions in non-equilibrium quantum many-body theory (Mainz) PhD, PostDoc
Postdoc Position in Theoretical Quantum Optics and Quantum Many-Body Dynamics PostDoc
Quantum Information Scientist Other
PhD and postdoc positions in molecular-ion quantum technologies for precision spectroscopy and molecular physics at the University of Basel (Switzerland) PhD, PostDoc
Postdoc available in non equilibrium thermodynamics of quantum many-body systems PostDoc
Postdoctoral opening in Vienna PostDoc
Postdoctoral positions in quantum information PostDoc
Quantum Optical Information Theorist Other
Post -doc position at the atom chip lab in Israel PostDoc
Postdoctoral positions at the University of Latvia PostDoc
PhD Studentship in quantum nano studies at Imperial College London PhD
3 Research Fellows (PhD candidates) in Informatics / Computer Science Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway PhD
PhD position in ultra-cold atoms at Hamburg, Germany PhD
PhD position in Quantum Many-Body Simulations at the University of Hamburg PhD
