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We invite you to the next QWebminar. This time we will have a Q&A session with Scott Aaronson on Quantum Supremacy with Boson Sampling.

QWebinar: Q&A session with Scott Aaronson on Quantum Supremacy with Boson Sampling

Date: 16:00 (UTC), Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Moderators: Aurél Gábris (QCzech) and Jibran Rashid (QPakistan)
Organizers: Abuzer Yakaryılmaz (QWorld) and Agnieszka Wolska (QLatvia)

Registration form

QuSoft and The University of Amsterdam invite you to apply for a PhD position in Quantum Algorithms. You will conduct research in the theory and design of quantum algorithms for optimization problems, both continuous and discrete, including NP optimization. This line of research includes both long-term and NISQ algorithmic theory and design, with a special focus on applications to use cases motivated by industry problems. For more information, and to apply, see: https://www.uva.nl/en/content/vacancies/2020/12/20-783-phd-candidate-in-...

The Quantum Systems Unit, headed by Prof. Thomas Busch, has an opening for a theoretical post-doctoral scholar in the area of optics and light-matter interactions. More information can be found at


The position is available from April 2021 at OIST Graduate University, Japan, for a minimum of one year and up to three.

On November 27, the Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain, made public the list of the granted projects among those submitted to the call for the 2020 CDTI Missions Program, within the framework of the Spanish program of Business Leadership in R&D. The detailed list of the granted and rejected projects can be consulted on the CDTI’s Science and Innovation Missions page.

The SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING at CORNELL UNIVERSITY, Ithaca, New York, invites applications for multiple tenure-track Faculty positions in all areas of electrical and computer engineering with special interest in multidisciplinary areas related to quantum engineering and sciences, quantum computing, and quantum information and communications. See our website, https://www.ece.cornell.edu/ece, for additional information on our programs.


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