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Wednesday, July 7, 2021 to Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Submission deadline: 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Registration deadline: 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Reversible computation has a growing number of promising application areas such as low power design, coding/decoding, debugging, testing and verification, database recovery, discrete event simulation, reversible algorithms, reversible specification formalisms, reversible programming languages, process algebras, and the modelling of biochemical systems. Furthermore, reversible logic provides a basis for quantum computation with its applications, for example, in cryptography and in the development of highly efficient algorithms.

The Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies at the University of Warsaw, Poland (qot.uw.edu.pl) seeks to appoint group leaders who will develop ambitious and innovative research effort exploring quantum phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, in optical and optically controlled system, with the long-term aim of their practical utilisation. The appointments will include start-up packages with fully funded junior research positions and access to state-of-the-art research infrastructure.

We invite you to attend a remote-only Episode XXIII of Warsaw Quantum Computing Group meetings. On 14.12 at 18:00 CET Tomasz Stopa from IBM will give a talk: "How to get most of NISQ computers with Qiskit".

If you are interested, please register (no later than 13.12, EOD)

Abstract from Tomasz:
Current Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers have multiple limitations. These are caused by gates and readout errors, topology limitation and the need to express more advanced gates with natively implemented ones. Additionally, limited relaxation and coherence times require high optimization of the circuits. However using NISQ computers with awareness and additional software help can give good results. The lecture will present Qiskit capabilities on how this can be done.

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research (ICCMR) at the University of Plymouth, UK, is seeking to recruit a Research Assistant with expertise in software development and quantum computing, and familiarity with the field of computer music, to work on the “Quantum Computing and Music” project.

The objective of the project is to initiate the development of an open source (GitHub based) programming toolbox designed for sound and music with quantum computing, accompanied with tutorials and demonstrations.

Scope of work:
We are looking for a co-investigator in a H2020 EURAMET EMPIR 18SIB05 ROCIT „Robust Optical Clocks for International Timescales” project. The goal of our group is to improve the robustness of optical clocks so that they can run unattended for long periods. More information on http://empir.npl.co.uk/rocit/ and http://famo.fizyka.umk.pl/kl-famo-umk/research-umk/optical-atomic-clock/ pages.


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