PhD/Master Positions in Vienna: New Project on Atomic Quantum Processors

Job type: 

Application deadline: 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Quantum computers and simulators have the potential to solve a wide range of problems more efficiently than classical computers. Cold atoms present a leading platform in this context, unmatched in size and scalability. In your thesis work, you will realize a new architecture for a quantum processor, which uniquely combines single-atom resolved manipulation through microscopy with the interaction control arising from light-matter coupling. This approach provides new opportunities to realize quantum states with non-local entanglement and perform quantum-limited measurements.

We offer the possibility of performing experiments at the forefront of quantum information science in an international environment. We expect a strong motivation and commitment to our research. Starting time for the PhD/Master positions is at your earliest availability.

During the project you will
- Contribute to cutting-edge research in quantum science
- Experience an international, collaborative scientific environment
- Develop scientific skills by performing experiments in quantum information science
- Acquire technical skills in optics, mechanical engineering, data analysis, etc.
- Improve your communication skills by presenting your results on international conferences and collaborating with colleagues from the leading research groups across the world

If you want to join us on this adventure, please send your application to: We particularly encourage applications from women and other underrepresented groups in physics. For more information visit our website