The Seiringer group develops new mathematical tools for the rigorous analysis of many-particle systems in quantum mechanics, with a special focus on exotic phenomena in quantum gases, like Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity.
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Aristotle’s saying also holds true in many systems studied in quantum physics. Mikhail Lemeshko investigates how macroscopic quantum phenomena emerge in ensembles of atoms and molecules.
How do energy levels of large quantum systems behave? What do the eigenvalues of a typical large matrix look like? Surprisingly, these two very different questions have the same answer!
The Computational Quantum Science Lab researches, develops, and promotes a broad range of advanced computational techniques to study quantum phenomena. Under the direction of Giuseppe Carleo, the methods developed at CQSL include innovative machine learning techniques to study Condensed Matter, Ultracold Atoms, Electronic Structure, as well as to characterize Quantum Devices. In addition to numerical approaches based on classical computers, novel algorithms to simulate quantum processes and suitable for near-term quantum devices are also being developed.