quantum technologies

The newly created Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies at the University of Warsaw, Poland, seeks to appoint group leaders who will develop ambitious and innovative research effort exploring quantum phenomena, such as superpositions and entanglement, in optical and optically controlled system, with the long-term aim of their practical utilisation. The appointments will include start-up packages with fully funded junior research positions, access to state-of-the-art research infrastructure, and a possibility to apply for equipment upgrades.

The Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies, established under the International Research Agenda Programme operated by the Foundation for Polish Science and hosted by the Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, seeks to fill several junior research positions in the Quantum Technologies Laboratory led by Professor Konrad Banaszek. Current research effort in the Laboratory covers problems related to quantum optical communication, quantum metrology, and quantum imaging.

Submission deadline: 

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Registration deadline: 

Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Conference will continue the work of the Italian Quantum community and agenda, first set in Camerino in 2008. It aims to bring together many researchers from Italy and around the world. Professors, young researchers, postdocs and students will have the opportunity to meet active research groups and establish collaborations.
The main topics of IQIS2018 will be Quantum Technologies, Fundamental Quantum Science, Quantum Hardware and Selected Special Topics of current interest.

We are looking for a highly motivated and talented Ph.D. student willing to join the international team undertaking a new, 3-year "First Team" research project entitled Integrated optics in time-frequency domain: a new versatile platform for quantum technologies, funded by the Foundation for Polish Science. The international project aims at research in the field of theoretical condensed matter as well as theoretical and experimental quantum optics.


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