Submission deadline: 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Registration deadline: 

Saturday, July 30, 2016

AQIS 2016 will be the 16th conference in a series that includes EQIS 2001-05 and AQIS 2006-15. The conference will consist of invited talks, selected oral and poster presentations, tutorials, and other activities. Contributions are solicited in (but not limited to) the following areas:

The Center for Quantum Devices is a basic research center supported by the Danish National Research Foundation, comprising materials research, experimental physics, nanoelectronics and condensed matter theory. Station Q Copenhagen is a research center sponsored by Microsoft Research aimed at developing topological quantum information processing hardware.

Registration deadline: 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

"Beyond IID in Information Theory 4" will be held 18-22 July 2016 in
Barcelona, at the Institut d'Estudis Catalans.
"Beyond IID in Information Theory" started as a workshop in Cambridge
three years ago, organised by Nilanjana Datta and Renato Renner as a
forum for the growing interest in information theoretic problems and
techniques beyond the strict asymptotic limit, and aimed at bringing
together researchers from a range of different backgrounds, ranging

Submission deadline: 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Registration deadline: 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Dear Colleagues,

The preliminary programme for the Quantum Machine Learning Workshop 18-22 July 2016 at the Palm Dune Beach Lodge in South Africa is now online: We allocated plenty of time for talks and breaks in order to facilitate a focussed and intimate discussion. The talks start on Monday afternoon and end on Friday midday to allow for convenient travel arrangements.

The keynote speakers are (in alphabetical order):

In the group of Prof. Uwe R. Fischer at Seoul National University, a position is open in the field of quantum metrological applications of many-body states including, in particular, those of ultracold quantum gases. Candidates with expertise both in the mathematical formulation of quantum metrology and the physics of interacting many-particle systems, e.g. quantum phase transitions and their correlation properties, are strongly preferred. They should be able to work analytically as well as numerically.

Postdoc position in quantum information available at National Quantum Information Centre of Gdansk (NQIC), University of Gdańsk, Sopot, Poland, within the NCN (National Science Centre) project.

Submission deadline: 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Registration deadline: 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

XVIII Giambiagi School: Quantum Chaos & Control

July 25th-29th, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Past week on March 27, Russian Federation has announced the world's one of the most tested theory false and consequently, made any types of violation of Bell's Inequalities illegal.

Officials state that "quantumness" is a made up theory of our nature and it originates from the West. "We will not let such speculators drive National Russian Research funds towards wrong direction" - said Dmitry Livanov, current minister of education of Russian Federation.

This PhD project will address quantum computation and information processing in realistic environments, in particular, in the NQIT Q:2020 machine. This device is being developed within the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme, and aims to consist of 400 qubits across 20 different traps with photonic interconnects. In this theoretical project, the student will abstract the main sources of error from the physics of local quantum operations, transmission and measurement of quantum states of ions and photons.

Registration deadline: 

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The 2016 International Summer School on Quantum Information Computing & Control (QuICC) will be held between the 29th August and 2nd September at Lancaster University. This event is organised by students from the doctoral training centres at Imperial College London. It aims to bring together experimental and theoretical physicists studying quantum phenomena in a variety of systems.


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