Two Postdoc and two PhD positions are now available in our group, focus areas are quantum algorithms and complexity theory, broadly speaking.

Details here: Openings

Deadline: Feb 11, 2022 (feel free to inquire after this date in case a position remains open)

Questions? sevag.gharibian 'at' upb 'dot' de

Sevag Gharibian
Associate Professor
Dept of Computer Science
Paderborn University

Quantum computers and simulators have the potential to solve a wide range of problems more efficiently than classical computers. Cold atoms present a leading platform in this context, unmatched in size and scalability. In your thesis work, you will realize a new architecture for a quantum processor, which uniquely combines single-atom resolved manipulation through microscopy with the interaction control arising from light-matter coupling.

We are seeking motivated students with excellent problem-solving skills and a passion for quantum engineering and physics. You will be part of a well funded initiative to create quantum networks of superconducting circuits mediated by telecom photons.

Integrated quantum photonics based on single photon emitters in 2D materials

We propose a PhD position funded by the French national science foundation (ANR), with a possibility of doing a Master thesis of 4 to 6 months beforehand. The position leads to a doctoral degree of University Paris-Saclay (which is ranked world number 13 in Shanghai ranking).

We seek for highly motivated, skilled, and independent graduate students that wish to develop their scientific career in a stimulating environment. This doctoral degree project will be carried out in the quantum photonics group led by Ana Predojevic ( The successful candidate should have interest in quantum technologies, specifically quantum information and communication.


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