Hi all,

we are looking for a PhD student, to work on DFG project 432788384 "The Quantum Satisfiability Problem: Algorithms and Complexity-Theoretic Hardness". Required qualifications are a background in quantum computation and/or a strong background in Linear Algebra. Backgrounds in complexity theory, algorithms, and algebraic geometry are considered strong assets. Students from math, physics, or computer science backgrounds are all welcome.

PhD position in experimental quantum physics with Rydberg atoms
in the Exotic Quantum Matter Group at the University of Strasbourg, France

Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD studentship (UK/EU priority) to commence in October 2020.

Title: Quantum simulation of complex quantum processes on superconducting qubits

The PhD will be based in the Faculty of Technology, and will be supervised by Dr Jaewoo Joo, Dr Arseni Goussev and Dr Andrew Burbanks.

We are looking for motivated PhD students or postdocs to join the group of Dr. Yuan Haidong at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The group works in the field of quantum information, quantum control, quantum metrology, and other quantum technology. The group is theoretical but works closely with experimentists.

Quantum communication via low-orbit satellites offers up a paradigm shift in telecommunications. Providing for unparalleled communication security, this emerging technology will also lead us into the development of the global quantum internet. In this project you will leverage optical quantum communications, quantum error correction, and channel modelling, to deliver novel and optimized quantum communication protocols specifically designed for the satellite-to-ground and inter-satellite channels.


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