
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position (1-year duration) in the theoretical Quantum Optics and Quantum Thermodynamics research group of B. Prasanna Venkatesh at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (India). Please see the following webpage for the official advertisement and more details:

The MIT Center for Theoretical Physics hopes to make a postdoctoral appointment in Quantum Information / Quantum Computing to begin September 1, 2020. Current senior members of the group include Isaac Chuang, Edward Farhi, Jeffrey Goldstone and Aram Harrow in the Physics department as well as Seth Lloyd and Peter Shor in other departments. The interests of this group cover almost all areas of the field and we seek applicants coming from all areas.

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is seeking postdoctoral researchers to work both independently and in a team environment on numerous aspects of quantum computing and quantum information, and machine learning as applied to quantum systems. One particular goal is to produce the foundational research needed to convert noisy, intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers into a reliable resource that can benefit both LANL's scientific and national-security missions.

The Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies, established under the International Research Agenda Programme operated by the Foundation for Polish Science and hosted by the Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, seeks to fill up to four postdoctoral positions. The central objective of the research efforts at the Centre is to explore specifically quantum phenomena, such as superpositions and entanglement, to develop new modes of quantum information processing and transmission, metrology, sensing, and imaging.

Looking for 2 postdocs to work in the newly established Quantum Resources Group at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. The official calls can be found at the EURAXESS website: The specific research directions that the group will pursue are described in the Research Agenda that is available here:


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