
Job Summary

Postdoctoral Researcher position at Texas Tech University

We are looking for a post-doctoral researcher to join Lu Wei’s group at the Department of Computer Science, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. Candidates with background in computer science, mathematics, or physics are preferred. This individual will be working on the applications of random matrices to quantum information. Lu Wei’s email address is and his webpage is

We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher in quantum information theory to contribute to the theoretical side of the project “Exploring new physical laws by accurate quantum measurements in ultra-cold atom platforms” funded by JST CREST “Exploring Quantum Frontiers Through Quantum-Classical Interdisciplinary Fusion” (

The research group Q3 at the Department of Physics, led by Prof. Igor Jex is looking for a candidate to contribute to the theoretical side of a European project focussed on the development of quantum photonic architectures capable of scalable cluster state generation, and including testing and benchmarking of the implementation, as well as exploring quantum algorithms that can then be demonstrated on these platforms. Successful candidate will be working with several members of the research group, including Dr. Craig Hamilton.

Applications are invited for Postdoc positions in Quantum Optics, working on the theory of hybrid quantum systems; optomechanical systems, color centers in solids, and superconducting circuits.
The successful candidates will work primarily in Mehdi Abdi's research group and will enjoy the international academic atmosphere of the Wilczek Quantum Center at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The salaries are competitive plus opportunities for applying for extra funds and benefits.


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