
Post-doctoral Fellowships

The Physics of Information Group, at Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (in Lisbon, Portugal), is seeking to hire two Post-doctoral Fellows to develop research in one of the following areas:

- quantum simulation, quantum information theory,
- quantum thermodynamics or quantum effects in biology.


The Postdoctoral Research Fellow will conduct research in quantum information theory at the highest international levels and translate research outcomes into high impact publications, presenting results at major conferences and assist in the supervision of PhD and honours students in the School of Physics. The postdoctoral fellow is expected to conduct cutting-edge research in the areas of quantum information theory, quantum computation, quantum metrology, and statistical mechanics & thermodynamics.

Applicants are invited for a postdoctoral position in theoretical and computational quantum thermodynamics.

The candidate should have strong background in quantum optics, quantum information theory and quantum thermodynamics. The successful candidate will conduct research in proposing, modelling and simulating quantum heat engines and quantum thermodynamic devices in nanoscale systems. The successful candidate will collaborate with an international team of engineers and scientist including faculty from biology, physics and electronics departments at Koc University.

Applications are invited for Postdoctoral positions in experimental quantum optics and quantum information at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (LKB), in Paris (France).

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in Prof. X. Hu's theory group working on solid state quantum computing at University at Buffalo. The nominal starting time is September 2014, although earlier starting time may be possible. Current research interests within the group include dynamics, entanglement, decoherence, and communication of multi-qubit systems. For more information please check out the group website at


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