
D-Wave Systems has attracted a lot of criticism from computer scientists over claims it has developed a way to create a marketable quantum computer. But whether its technology will ever be viable outside of a laboratory setting or not, investors seem to be eating it up.

Researchers from the University of Heidelberg in Germany, the University of Science and Technology of China, and the Atomic Institute of the Austrian Universities in Austria created an experiment in which a quantum bit of information is transported across a distance of seven meters and briefly stored in memory. This is the first time that both quantum memory and teleportation, as the information transfer is known, have been demonstrated in a single experiment.

The OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) XO laptop is supposed to be for kids, but, the grownups have been having fun with it as well. "After a few hours of tinkering with the kernel config, timezones (the xo's had to be synchronized with an accuracy of at least 0.5 sec) and the dependencies, the team successfully tested the first [ 'entanglement based quantum key distribution' between two xo laptops!]".

Researchers from the University of Queensland have taken a significant step in the quest to build a quantum computer, creating a light-based quantum circuit capable of basic calculations and moving quantum computing closer to a becoming a reality.

University of Queensland researchers are among an international team to have made the first ever execution of a quantum calculation, a major step towards building the first quantum computers.

Guifre Vidal from the University of Queensland, has come up with a new method for performing renormalization group operations on entangled systems.


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