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Up to 3 PhD positions will be awarded within the School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen's University Belfast. The Quantum Technology group at Queen's (Gabriele De Chiara and Mauro Paternostro) have put forward a project for students interested in working on quantum information processing, quantum statistical mechanics and quantum many-body systems.

The studentships will cover fees and maintenance for UK residents (fees only for EU citizens). IMPORTANT: the positions will have to be filled by 1st of January 2012 at latest!!

Please, check the websites

Here comes another round of attractive opportunities from the University of Nottingham: This is your chance to get a two-year PostDoctoral Fellowship (with flexible conditions, research expenses and support for childcare) to join the dynamic and young Quantum Information group in the School of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Nottingham (Dr G. Adesso, Dr I. Fuentes, Dr M. Guta).

Following on from the success of last year’s event, the aim of the colloquium is to showcase recent research in quantum algorithms. We will have five excellent speakers
• Scott Aaronson (MIT)
• Matty Hoban (Oxford)
• Ashley Montanaro (University of Cambridge)
• Martin Roetteler (NEC labs, Princeton)
• Miklos Santha (LIAFA, Paris)
There is no conference fee but we ask people to register if they would like to come. We may be able to offer travel support to UK based PhD students who are unable to find funding from their home institutions.

Quantum cryptography aims to achieve security from fundamental physical principles, such as the quantum mechanical phenomena of entanglement and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. In the last few years significant progress has been made in the theoretical understanding of quantum cryptography and its technological feasibility has been demonstrated experimentally. Quantum cryptography is therefore regarded as one of the most promising candidates for a future quantum technology.

There are posdocs opportunities at the Quantum Information group of the Federal Fluminense University (http://infoptics.if.uff.br/doku.php?id=startpage), in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The positions are to work at the interface between condensed matter and quantum information theory, under joint supervision of Prof. Thiago de Oliveira (tro@if.uff.br) and Prof. Marcelo Sarandy (msarandy@if.uff.br).


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