The research team “Quantum Chaos in Many-Body Systems”, led by Dario Rosa, is looking for postdoctoral fellows willing to join the group.
This research activity will be in close collaboration with SPIN Institute of the Italian National Research Council (Dr. Matteo Carrega) and with Università degli studi dell'Insubria (Prof. Giuliano Benenti), in Italy. The research focus of this position will be on quantum thermodynamics, with particular emphasis on many-body effects on quantum batteries (QB) and other nano-devices. We aim to propose and characterize new experimentally feasible setups as efficient QBs, such as micromasers, and to find optimal charging protocols to achieve best QB performance. Moreover, we target at a full characterization of interaction effects and/or decoherence mechanisms that may impact QBs performance based on composite quantum systems. Another main objective will be the investigation of strategies and optimal protocols, exploiting quantum correlations and entanglement, able to coherently transfer energy between separate quantum cells. To achieve efficient energy transfer, in terms of speed or improved fidelity toward a selected target state, we will study the use of additional quantum (single- or many-body) agents that act as energy mediators. To achieve these goals, two ingredients will be crucial (i) a carefull microscopic modeling of many-body quantum systems and (ii) a detailed analysis of different charging/energy transfer protocols, aiming at improved performance and best working point. In this context, of particular relevance will be the use of innovative techniques based on quantum optimal control and machine learning (reinforcement schemes).
We are looking for a junior or experienced candidate with strong theoretical background in the above research fields. Both analytical and numerical skills, together with an oral and written English knowledge are highly recommended. Applicants should also have a sincere interest to work in a multidisciplinary and dynamic research environment.
The duration of the above position (up to three years), will be negotiated with the selected candidate. The fellow will have the chance of regular exchange periods within the three institutions involved in the collaboration.
More details about the research group can be found in the group web page
As well as in the PCS web-page
Interested applicants should provide a single PDF file including a cover letter, a full CV (including a list of publications) and a research plan along the lines of the collaboration, to be sent to the following email addresses
At the same time, two letters of recommendation should be sent to the same addresses by the referees themselves.
Consideration of applicants runs continuously.
For informal inquires you can contact Dario Rosa (