
Title Application deadline Job type
Postdoctoral, PhD, and student positions in quantum optical technologies 01/06/2018 PhD, PostDoc
PhD student positions in foundations of quantum mechanics / quantum information theory at the University of Gdansk 30/06/2018 PhD
2 PhD Positions in Experimental Quantum Optics 01/07/2018 PhD
PhD position in theoretical and experimental quantum optics / condensed matter 15/06/2018 PhD
2 PhD positions in quantum information at the Center for Theoretical Physics (Warsaw, Poland) 17/05/2018 PhD
Experimental Quantum Optics Stockholm University (several positions) 24/04/2018 PhD, PostDoc
PhD position in Quantum Technologies with Trapped Ions, Stockholm University 24/04/2018 PhD
PhD position in Paris: Many-body tensor network methods for open quantum systems & coherent bio-organic devices 25/04/2018 PhD
10 PhD positions in Zero and Ultra-Low Fields Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Innovative Training Network 30/05/2018 PhD
PhD Position - Theoretical Quantum Physics 06/05/2018 PhD
PhD in Physics: Post-classical sensing and computational capabilities of multiphoton interferometers 07/05/2018 PhD
Complexity at small scales with Circuit QED Quantum Simulators PhD
PhD position in "Quantum thermodynamics beyond the Markovian regime" at Trinity College Dublin 31/03/2018 PhD
PhD in cold atom theory at IF PAN, Warsaw, Poland 31/05/2018 PhD
PhD position in Quantum Sensing with Trapped Rydberg Ions at Stockholm University 02/03/2018 PhD
Senior Researcher, PostDoc positions, and MSc/PhD stipends available at “A next-generation worldwide quantum sensor network with optical atomic clocks” 03/09/2018 Other, PhD, PostDoc, Professorship
Self-organized magnetic and density ordering of cold atoms via light mediated interactions 11/02/2018 PhD
PhD position in philosophy of physics / metaphysics of science 07/02/2018 PhD
PhD position - theory of superconducting circuits and related quantum technologies 31/05/2018 PhD
Hardiman PhD scholarships - theoretical quantum computing - National University of Ireland, Galway 16/02/2018 PhD
