Progress in quantum technologies relies on understanding how quantum phenomena govern the dynamics of quantum systems far from equilibrium and on identifying the available quantum resources. This knowledge then allows us to manipulate the systems in order to obtain the desired outcome. Our group seeks to:
We are a theoretical group based in Koç University interested in quantum information theory and several aspects of quantum enabled and quantum enhanced technologies. Our group carries on theoretical research work on open quantum systems, quantum thermodynamics, quantum metrology, quantum computation.
Within the QI2-lab we primarily work on quantum metrology and sensing problems. We develop fundamental theory for quantum estimation tasks in order to focus on their optical implementations, with particular interest in atomic-ensemble and optomechanical quantum sensors. We also seek novel solutions in quantum information, cryptography and communication, especially exploring the device-independent framework.
We work on optimisation for and with the help of quantum computing. Examples: optimal compilation, variational algorithms, efficient embeddings.