
We perform theoretical studies of complex dynamics in materials. We use physically-motivated models to make predictions which can be tested experimentally and are useful to better understand the observed phenomena. We are currently working on several projects, including: quantum computing (superconducting Josephson-junction qubits, scalable quantum circuitry, improved designs for the control, coherent oscillations, and readout), vortex dynamics in superconductors, new fluxtronics devices, complex collective phenomena, nano-magnetism and spintronics.

We are a physics theory research group sponsored by the Emmy Noether program of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

The Theory Division started its activities in December 2001. Since then, we carry out theoretical research in Quantum Information Theory, Quantum Optics and Information, and Quantum Many-Body systems.

Key words: entanglement and gravity, notion of quantum information, quantum information conservation, nonlocal causality, macro-entanglement, quantum information and logic, quantum information and meta-mathematics, quantum computer and transfinite calculus


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